Spread awareness, about a Rare Cancer Called Multiple Myeloma
On June 17, 2022 our incredible, fun, loving, and most adorned mentor and father was diagnosed with a very rare form of bone cancer: Multiple Myeloma was the diagnosis. Multiple Myeloma is a type of blood cancer that occurs in the bone marrow. Bone marrow is the inner part of bones, and it is the factory where different types of blood cells are made. Before a person develops multiple myeloma, their marrow begins to make abnormal cells and proteins. The abnormal cells do not always progress to become a disease, but for some people, the presence of these abnormal cells serves as a warning sign. Our mission at Multiple Reasons, is to improve the lives of people with multiple myeloma cancer and their families through advocacy, research and patient support, to ensure everyone has an opportunity to detect, treat and survive multiple myeloma cancer.
You can help by sending in a monetary donation to offset the cost of media, transportation, and advertisement. Your support is key in solving the problem.